Daddy’s Grands

DaddyBeatnik Daddy-o with me and my brother

I had a dream the other night.  I knew that it was a prophetic dream, but I didn’t remember everything about it.  When I woke up, I wrote down what I could remember:

There was money in 3 bank accounts.  The amount of money in the smallest account was $19,760.  I was surprised by such a big amount of money being in the smallest account.

I asked God what the dream meant, but He didn’t tell me right away.  So I stuck the paper with the dream on it in my Bible, waiting for the answer.  The next day the Lord gave me a verse of scripture to pray for my Dad’s 3 grandchildren (my 2 sons and my nephew):  “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ,” (2 Thessalonians 3:5, ESV).  You see, as of the last time we communicated, each of these young men, though saved, is not walking with the Lord.  But they have me praying for them.

And that’s when I understood what the dream meant: the 3 accounts are these 3 young men, and my older son’s birth year is suggested by the exact amount in the smallest account.  His was the smallest account because as of our last conversation on the subject, he was the most hostile to Christianity.  But they have me praying for them!

The first book I ever completed and published was a book written for these 3 young men.  It is a memoir of my dad, and I wrote it so that they could know their grandfather like I knew him.  Unfortunately, they only remember him as being sick because he had lupus and was terribly debilitated by it the last 20 years of his life.  But I remember how he was in his youth.  Daddy was a funny and fun-loving person.  He loved arcade games, which in those days was pinball, which worked mostly by gravity.  Daddy almost always got so involved in the game that he would bump the machine with his hip and end the game in a “Tilt.”  He also loved all sorts of sports and games.  His enthusiasm during the famous Ice Bowl football game in 1967 was so contagious that I also became a fan of both the Dallas Cowboys and the game of football.

I loved my Dad, and as you can see, I love these 3 young men, too.  If you have family members who are either not saved or not walking with the Lord, ask God for strategies for how to pray for them.  God wants to bring your whole family to Heaven with you.  Make this your theme, too: But they have me praying for them!  God is good!