Holy Power from On High – Why Not?

Lately God has been speaking to me about two important issues: the first is His supernatural power that is made available to us, His children.  Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father,” (John 14:12).  In fact, open your Bible and read that whole chapter because from there He promises to give us the Holy Spirit—the Source of that supernatural power.  Notice that there is no exception made, it’s “whoever believes” in Jesus.  And Jesus says that we will do “greater things” than He did.

The other thing that God has been impressing on me is the need for us to live a holy life.  Of course, when we are born again the holiness of Jesus becomes our, too.  But again and again God encourages us to be holy because He is holy, to put to death the old man, to run the race in such a way as to win the prize, and to bear fruit for the Kingdom.

I had a strange experience when I was in Texas this summer.  I was driving through Dallas from west to east in the fastest way possible: on the President George W. Bush Toll road.  Then I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to get off the toll road, so I got off, and it was an industrial looking area with a big church.  So I drove to the church, which looked closed, but then I drove around to the back, and there was a bookstore that was open.  So entered and looked around.  Immediately, I found The Pursuit of Holiness with Study Guide by Jerry Bridges, and it was on sale for only $2.  So I bought it.  God has really been talking to me through this book.

Then I began to realize that there is a connection between accessing God’s supernatural power and living a holy life.  Consider this: we cannot truly live a holy life without the Holy Spirit’s help; and we cannot live in God’s supernatural power unless we are living a holy life.  Of course, I cannot claim perfection in this, but more and more I am understanding that God wants us to live in our full inheritance as well as in holiness.  Why not?