God is Bigger


Someone I was talking with recently lamented that he had made some really terrible decisions in his early life with the Lord, worried that he may have gravely hindered the salvation of others around him.  I assured him (and now I’m assuring you):

God is bigger than your mistakes.

God is bigger than your bad choices.

God is bigger than your rebellion.

God is bigger than your laziness.

God is bigger than your fear.

God is bigger than your failures.

God is bigger than the lies you’ve learned to believe.

God is bigger, even, than your past.

There is no mistake that He cannot turn into an advantage.  There is no wrong choice that God cannot redeem.

These days, with time being short and the End is near, many people are prophesying gloom and doom, persecution, death and destruction.  Those things are certainly coming, but I heard the voice of another prophet, Hank Kunneman, who prophesied that this year, 2016, will be the best year yet for Christians.  What?  How?  Because Revival is coming!  The biggest Revival the world has ever seen is coming, and in fact has already started.  Here is his prophecy in full:

This year you will see My wondrous works!  The nations and their leaders will be brought to My feet.  I will break and restrain the weapons of man and the kings that hold them.  I will cause certain wars to cease and others to wait, not allowing a preempting of that which the enemy desires.  I will show the earth and My people that I am the Lord.  Do not fear for I am with you, and a host of Heaven is being positioned to bring a heavenly assault that will shift things in favor for you and in the Name of the risen Christ, Jesus.

Do not put your confidence in conspiracy theories and things being spoken that bring men to fear.  I will lift My voice to speak and My hands to move where they will.  I will burn certain weapons of the nations with fire, while I expose others to reveal My goodness.

The earth for a season will be quieted, a restraint enforced where needed, this shall be by My doing.  I am lifting My people whose heads have hung low, and I will lift them up and shut them in from troubling, chaotic events that will enfold.  It will be as I did with Noah and his family, shutting them in, so I will do with them.

The mountains will be held in their place, while others blow their tops with eruptions that reveal divine interruptions and disruptions.  The earth will shake at My whisper and be stilled by My eyes that hold it still.

I will be with My people through the propagating of fear and chaos in the earth, and through the fierce battle that will arise in the political.  I will be known and seen through the violent storms, disruptive winds, fires, shakings, eruptions, and the gathering in the streets in protest.

I am lifting My voice to speak and My voice will be heard. The earth that is mine will yield My harvest and it will obey.  So will the leaders and rulers of men.  I will calm My people and show the earth that I the Lord am in control.

Let it be known that those who decree, speak and look for My goodness will live swimming in My rivers of blessings and increase.

You will not be touched, you will not be moved from your place; I am crowning you with My goodness and shutting you in and lifting you up[1].

With our natural eyes it is all too easy to see the terrible things that are surely coming upon the earth.  And that can paralyze us into inaction.

But Christians, if we choose to see these things from God’s perspective, remembering that God is bigger than all these things, then we can be launched into action to bring in that Last Great Harvest.  Nothing in all the world is more important than bringing that Harvest in.  Reorder your priorities to line up with God’s priorities, remember His great power and His great goodness.  Nothing is too hard for God.  Nothing is impossible for God.  And because nothing is impossible for God, then nothing is impossible for us because we serve Him.

And when the job is finished, God is going to welcome His co-workers into His Presence, the best possible reward for faithful service.  God is good!

[1] https://www.ovm.org/prophetic_perspectives/2016-prophetic-perspectives.html


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